Magical Flora
My backyard has gone through such a transformation. Every year we develop new gardening beds and devise plans about what to place where. We get new and interesting plants. Sometimes the new plants work out, and sometimes they end up in the trash bin.
Last year, we made a special planter box for all of my seed and wildflowers. I chose Zinnias and this bizzare purple pincushion plant. We’ve had wonderful luck with the zinnias. About an hour before golden hour (the hour right before sunset) the garden in the backyard just lights up, and I can do interesting things with my prism and copper ring. We have additional beds for our daylilies, blanketflower and butterfly bush.
I’ve definitely been ruminating on these blanketflower—the orange/red and gold petals, as well as the pincushion plant.
A note about the daylily: it is called the Earlene Garber, after my maternal grandmother. There is so much of a story in it, and so much to say about my grandmother. But I may save that for another time or else keep it close to my heart.